December 2022 Editorial

As another year draws to a close, I am hearing a lot of people wondering aloud, “where did this year disappear?” It does seem like 2022 zoomed past, rather quickly. However, it is all in the perspective. The concept of how slow or quick a year has passed depends on so many factors. I recently had a discussion with a teenager, who had an interesting take on this concept. According to him, time moves at snail’s pace for kids, but flies off at top speed for older people. An example he quoted was sitting in Math class, waiting for it to be over, which can feel like an entire millennium to a child who dislikes Math. But an adult trying to fit in work, domestic chores and personal time may feel like a whole day has zipped past in mere seconds. I found this perspective really interesting.

Endings always signify new beginnings too. So as we usher in the New Year, let us do so in style – in fact, let’s do it in the Editorial Team’s classy style, with an exciting contest:

I am sure you will all participate enthusiastically, as there is a gift voucher waiting for the lucky winner! The winning entry will also be published in the January 2023 issue of XpressionZ.

Mina Dilip
Editor, XpressionZ

November 2022 Editorial

Recently I came across a video titled, ‘One day in the Coldest Village on Earth’. The village is in Yakutia (Siberia) where students go to school when temperatures climb to -40 degrees and where people rely on melted ice for their basic needs. I rushed out to embrace the weak November sun!

This month features a book review by Sripriya Balaraman - Demystifying Teenagers (written by Bhuvana Pashupathi) and Yashwi Reddy’s article on the 7 Deadly Sins of Happiness.

Thanksgiving Day is just around the corner: A beautiful reminder for us to be grateful.

Loud music blaring; young, tiny feet running up and down, dirty linen, dirty dishes piled up, homework not done; failure in exams, PTA meetings, doors banging, arguments and laughter… It means homes are full, all are together. Ask parents like me, whose nests are empty! Time to be grateful for the full homes and the empty ones. Let’s avoid the sins of happiness and bring in joy through the expression of gratitude.

Best wishes,
Swapna Nair
Sub-Editor, XpressionZ

October 2022 Editorial

I pen this after my return from the beautiful city of Varanasi. One of the many highlights of the trip was a visit to Mukthi Bhavan – a home where terminally ill patients and people on their deathbed choose to check in to die! Yes, they are taken in along with their families to stay for 14 days (for free). I met this old man whose smile won me over. He looked so serene and at peace. I wondered what his thought processes would be. The caretaker mentioned that people here come at a time when they ‘let go’ of this material world. One person wanted to meet his brother with whom he had not spoken for three decades. The meeting was arranged; the very next day the man passed away peacefully.

Do we have to wait till our end days to let go of toxic thoughts/relationships?

World Mental Health Day is on October 10th. Let us take this day to reinforce within us to let go of our unnecessary baggage. Let us remind ourselves to travel light so we may choose to enjoy this beautiful journey of life! Let us stay healthy and help others to stay the same!

Best wishes,
Swapna Nair
Sub-Editor, XpressionZ

On the occasion of World Mental Health Day, which is celebrated the world over on October 10th of every year, we interviewed our dear founding members of CCF. Here is what they had to say:

September 2022 Editorial

As there are news reports about the Covid 19 pandemic “coming to an end”, another pandemic seems to have emerged amidst people today – and that is the disease of “busyness”. This month, the XpressionZ team has curated two articles especially for the CCF community, which addresses this issue from two dimensions. We have Anupama Anand’s article titled “I am busy”, which tackles this concern head-on, while Renuka Shankar’s article “Age is just a number” indirectly sensitizes us to the fact that we can do and be anything we want to be, if we stopped giving lame excuses like age or busyness. So go on, wear your reading hats, and enjoy these articles, making sure that you send in your own pieces to inspire and motivate others.

Best wishes,
Editor, XpressionZ

August 2022 Editorial

We are all familiar with the concept of intuition. Yet, how many of us tune into it often? We are so caught up in logic and reasoning that we tend to ignore our instincts, which are, more often than not, spot-on. As counselors and therapists, we can all benefit tremendously from learning to listen to our instincts and allowing our intuition to guide us.

This month on XpressionZ, we have curated two special articles, just for you. As Mathangi shares some heartfelt lines, Lakshmi talks about the 'Gut and Nut'. Enjoy these pieces of art, and make sure you pen down your own creative thoughts and ideas to send in as your contributions to our platform for artistic expression, your contributions to our platform for artistic expression, via email to And let your intuition be your guide as you flow with the words and images that surface from deep within you. Check out our Guidelines for submission section for more information on the submission norms & support.

Editor, XpressionZ

July 2022 Editorial

This month we continue with our new segment that we began in April, in which our XpressionZ team put together a series of specific interview questions that were mailed to selected CCF members based on their unique backgrounds, varied experience and differing fields of operation. The responses to these questions were then curated by the Editorial Team into articles.

This month we have articles by Sudha Damodaran and Vikram sharing with us on the pandemic and its impact on their personal and professional lives, as well as on some self care methodologies they adopted in order to stay grounded and emotionally stable during these uncertain times. Enjoy these articles, and please feel free to get in touch with the Editorial Team if you have any unique experiences to share with the CCF community.

Aarthi Prabhakaran
Stand-in Editor, XpressionZ
July 2022

June 2022 Editorial

As we hear news reports about the mercury rising along with the number of new Covid cases, an air of uncertainty prevails everywhere. We have been through three waves of this seemingly never-ending pandemic and there are whispers of a possible fourth wave. In the midst of this chaos, the XpressionZ team put together a series of specific interview questions, which were mailed to selected CCF members based on their unique backgrounds, varied experience and differing fields of operation. The responses to these questions were then curated by the Editorial Team into articles, two of which are available this month for your reading pleasure.

These articles by Arthy Sriram and Sripriya Balaraman throw some light on the pandemic and its impact on their personal and professional lives, as well as on some self care methodologies they adopted in order to stay grounded and emotionally stable during these uncertain times. Enjoy these articles, and please feel free to get in touch with the Editorial Team if you have any unique experiences to share with the CCF community.

Mina Dilip
Editor, XpressionZ
June 2022

May 2022 Editorial

Founder’s Appreciation To Contributors

The Editorial Team wishes to thank all the authors and contributors who have helped in making XpressionZ such a big success, and places on record the personalised feedback to each one of you from our esteemed founder Dr. Saras Bhaskar.

Dear Editor,

2021 was another troublesome year with the nasty return of Covid 19, subsequent lock down and subdued year. While many sulked, there were several brave hearts that fought all the odds doing their best and spreading the breath of fresh air around us. It's worth mentioning that the editorial team of XpressionZ, while nurturing themselves, ensured that they share thought-provoking articles, puzzles, and the handwork of our members in their publications. My gratitude to them.

XpressionZ has come out with meaningful and useful publications from our members. Hats off to the editorial team, for devoting time and creativity to ignite curiosity and connectivity with our members. My hearty congratulations on your first anniversary. Three cheers.....Look forward to more.

Dr. Saras Bhaskar

Here are some personalised messages from our founder, Dr. Saras Bhaskar to the authors and contributors who have been instrumental in making XpressionZ such an impactful forum within CCF.

Dear Renuka,

Your enthusiasm to participate in Unwind, whether in person, or online, in the last several years has been excellent. Your zest to contribute in the form of cultural activities coated with humour is quite likeable. Rangoli kolams were a treat to my eyes. Your recent article about sharing your experience of "Autism day" with Vruksh since 2015 is an example of how all of us can utilise the 24 hours purposefully. Wishing you the same vigour to continue with our mission!

Dear Harini,

You have been with CCF for a while, and each year, you have showcased your talents be it entertainment (participation in Unwind), or volunteering your time; this shows your exuberance. Reading your recent article in XpressionZ gave a perspective of who you are generically and it is wonderful to note that there is always a silver lining to a cloud. Your service is worthy, and wishing you the best.

Dear Anupama,

Simple abundance is the term that popped up in my head when I read your article "Crowing glory". Some may consider feeding the crow as a mechanical act, but your write-up gives new meaning to this. Continue to share your thoughts.

Dear Lakshmi,

Self care tips are much-needed, not only for the general public, but also for us, the mental health professionals. They say, "charity begins at home", and your articles reflect that it is necessary to work on oneself before stepping out to help others. Congratulations and thanks for your valuable contribution.

Dear Swapna,

Your contribution as a cyber crime investigative officer and as a CCF member, besides being on the editorial team proves how much you wish to be a part of worthy causes and to spend your time purposefully. This three-part series is much required for all, and more so for our members. Since 2020, some of us have switched to online mode and it is imperative that we are educated and sensitised on the plus and minus of getting directly involved with social media and technology. We need your support now and in future also. I enjoyed your poem on identifying yourself with clouds. It is absolutely essential to introspect in order to understand oneself. You have done it wonderfully with the creation of nature through words. Please keep writing.

Dear Nandini,

Your infectious smile and your vibrancy would energise anyone around you. This article containing your word scramble and word search clearly proves how much effort you have put into assembling this intellectual and professional growth-oriented puzzle. Honestly, such mind teasers will naturally and organically enhance one's subject knowledge. Loaded with family and professional commitments, choosing to step into the role of the Secretary is not easy. Your corporate experience with teamwork dynamic is certainly benefiting CCF and its team. Gratitude to you for your time and efforts. My heartfelt thanks to you and wishing the best of growth in your life.

Dear Aarthi,

Your ability to synthesise your artwork with Kubler Ross's model of change curve is amazing. Your ability to weave the psychological well-being concept of mindfulness into handicraft, I believe, shows your higher order of thinking.

Lovely to note that your skills improved both in cross stitch and staying focused. Thanks for the share. Look forward to reading more such shares.

Dear Valli,

"Happy birthday to Self" is a powerful line in your poem “Life”. Your language proficiency is precious. I recall you being in one of the panels for translating "Arindhum Ariyalamalum" DVD release on Positive Parenting. Being a silent contributor for CCF since its inception, you have been a source of great support. I thank you for it. I admire your humility. Thanks for summing up "Life" combining Psychology, Philosophy, Science and spirituality. May your good work grow!

Dear Divaprabha,

Your pencil art without using an eraser even once shows how it is indeed possible to create something carefully, bringing precision and beauty together. It's a skill that requires focus and drive to complete the task without getting disheartened. This proves your tenacity, patience and perseverance. Definitely it's great to see you don the role of the President in CCF. Young think-tanks like you have so much to offer and I am thankful that you have chosen to take part in the growth of CCF and our helping profession.

Saras Bhaskar
May 2022

April 2022 Editorial

As different variants of the pandemic meander in and out of our lives, human beings around the world are learning to adapt, cope and move forward effectively. As mental health professionals, we have all witnessed the rise and fall of hopes, aspirations and expectations, interspersed with despair, desolation and resignation in our clients, our families and the society at large. In these uncertain times, we plough on, doing our best, contributing in whatever ways we can to make the world around us a better place.

This month, on XpressionZ, we have a short write-up from Renuka Sankar about her inspiring work on World Autism Day, and an interesting perspective about the pandemic shared by Harini Sriram, reminding us that true self care lies in the simple pleasures of daily practices like spending time with family and friends.

Read on, and be inspired!

Editor, XpressionZ
April 2022

March 2022 Editorial

March 2022 Editorial
As the fiscal / financial / academic year draws to a close, there is a burst of activity on all fronts. We, the counselors and therapists of CCF, are also preparing for our own AGM and end-of-the-year activities. This is a good time for us to review our personal practices of self care and relaxation. We have heard from many of our members during casual conversation or in passing that they listen to music to relax, go for walks, or engage in yoga and meditation practices

This month, the XpressionZ team has curated articles that relate to self care and relaxation practices to help our readers get started on this journey of self exploration and learning to unwind in their individual, yet special ways. Enjoy these articles, and be sure to send in your own contributions, because this is your safe space for creative expression!


Mina Dilip
Editor, XpressionZ
March 2022

February 2022 Editorial

As the whole world relaxes COVID norms and things begin to get back to “normal” with schools reopening, businesses becoming fully operational and travel and tourism opening up, very few people are talking about the psychological and emotional implications of this shift. Moreover, the effects of COVID on mental health seem to have been completely overlooked so far. As a mental health professional and as an individual recovering from COVID myself, I can safely say that this illness impacts the brain as much as it affects the respiratory tract. Many of my clients, who have been through the COVID journey and have recovered or are in the process of recovering, have reported a spike in anxiety and depressive symptoms. Sensitive and empathic handling of such mental health problems is the need of the hour. As counselors and therapists, let us educate ourselves about how this virus affects the brain chemistry and the resultant symptoms that we may see in the field. This will help us navigate the onslaught of issues as they crop up with our regular clients, and will also help us to be more mindful in extending compassionate support to new clients who come to us with these complaints. And while we are at it, it’s important for us to practice self-compassion and kindness towards ourselves too. One way to do that is through creative self expression in different forms

This month, the XpressionZ team has put together a couple of such self-expressive pieces – one is a heartfelt poem that explores the various facets of oneself (with a touch of romance to it), and the other is a write-up about the magic of Rangoli, and how it has the potential to bring people together. Enjoy these beautiful contributions from our members, and get ready to do some heartfelt self-expression yourself!


Mina Dilip
Editor, XpressionZ
February 2022

January 2022 Editorial

A New Year signifies new beginnings, new hopes, new dreams, new resolutions and more. People all over the world have been expectant and hopeful of a better, brighter year ahead. However, reality appears to be rather different. With the arrival of an all-new variant of the virus and a sudden spike in the number of positive cases, anxiety, despair and uncertainty appear to be the ruling emotions over these very first few days into 2022. As mental health professionals, we are all feeling the heat – with the sudden increase in demand for our services, a lack of referral support, overflowing caseloads, professional burnout and compassion fatigue setting in. So, this new year, let us all collectively pledge to invest time and resources in self-care, which is highly critical, not only for our personal wellbeing, but also for our professional effectiveness as counselors and therapists. This month’s articles on XpressionZ therefore include a piece on self-care besides a beautiful compilation of Maargazhi pictures for your viewing pleasure.

As always, I would encourage each and every one of you to use our creative platform for expression and share your valuable thoughts and feelings with the rest of the counseling community.


Mina Dilip
Editor, XpressionZ
January 2022


The views expressed on this page are the personal views of the respective authors. They do not necessarily reflect the views of the Chennai Counselors’ Foundation (CCF). Any omissions, errors or plagiarism on the part of the author are the author’s to address appropriately and CCF does not assume liability or responsibility for them.

The creatives/content published here is for public consumption and discussions. If you are using a part or whole, please ensure you have the consent of the author/creator and appropriately credit them. Else, the author (rightful owner of the creative) can dispute the same as they deem fit.