Vruksh is a school for special children located in Tambaram. It has students from 3- 5 years. I have been associated with Vruksh since 2015. I render my counselling service to parents, teachers & students for free. The school provides free education to children who are from poor economic status. I conducted a workshop on 'Health & Fitness' for parents and teachers.

My husband Mr Sankaranarayanan gives his time to teach sports to students which enable them to bag medals in special athletic meets. Two years of pandemic has kept us physically away from school. Now slowly things are coming back to normal.

Autism day was celebrated with blue colour all over. Along with the students, parents and teachers, my husband and I went for a mini walkathon. During the walk slogans like 'Autism is not a disease', ' Accept autism', 'Aware autism', 'Love autism', ' Able autism', 'Don't label autism', were shouted. A small skit was enacted by the interns who are from MCC. It was so touching. The lady who runs the school is also a mother of a 24-year-old boy with cerebral palsy. She is a star example of self-confidence, will power and patience. After 6 pm the school was illuminated in blue, as it is the colour of AUTISM.

GOD gives us two hands. I believe one is for us the other one is to help others.

Renuka Sankar

April 2022

Post Author: chennaicounselorsglobal

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