1. How important do you think it is to commemorate a day as World Mental Health Day?
    Answer: It is necessary to commemorate a day as WMH day. I believe it is a reminder and a validation to each of us to take an inventory of "Am I Okay" and be compassionate to find out "if others are okay".
  2. Is there anything special you would do on this day as a mental health professional?
    Answer: Usually I get invited to speak in public forums. However, when I don't receive invites, I join either with CCF or team up and participate with other like-minded agencies to bring awareness in the community.
  3. What do you consider to be the most important qualities for a counselor to have?
    Answer: Active and objective listening, understanding the context of our client's "being/feeling" which automatically generates empathic understanding in us. And of course, being non judgmental and without bias.
  4. What has been your greatest achievement in counseling a client so far?
    Answer: Honestly I do not believe I have felt greatly achieved with a client. Let me share what I have experienced in the last 35 years. I feel excited and validated that I am doing something right. This emotion of joy surfaces periodically when my former/current clients reach out at the social environments and share how life, relationships/self growth has improved for them. When they express their gratitude, while I acknowledge them, I truly believe that it's their genuine initiative and efforts to evolve and be the person they are now that made the change possible. Hence, I give the credit back to them and thank them for their cooperation during counseling/therapy sessions.
  5. How do you approach the counseling process and how do you customize the process for a client?
    Answer: Approach and customization process differs case by case. Being almost a "fossil" in this field , when clients reach out on their own will, I am able to dive straight into advanced counseling skills. Once the demographic details are gathered, I move to enquiring about the purpose of their visit. That gives me an idea as to whether the client requires counseling or therapy. In the following one or two sessions I am able to devise a therapeutic plan based on evaluating their early childhood experiences, cognitive, emotional and behavioral patterns. This approach may not hold good with resisting clients, who have been asked to attend counseling by family, school management or from Corporate HR's. With the latter I begin with fundamental skills like establishing rapport, ensuring confidentiality to build trust and giving a few tips at the end of each session.
  6. What message would you like to share with upcoming mental health professionals?
    Answer: Professionalism, Ethical code of conduct, and no false promises. Last but not the least, upskilling of techniques on a regular basis to meet the ever changing demands in this field.

Post Author: chennaicounselorsglobal

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