Any wellness - physical, mental or emotional is equally essential for leading a sustainable life and they intersect at a point called Food. The food we eat influences our development, as well as the management and prevention of numerous health conditions. Our brain has a direct relationship with the gut and vice versa. For instance - the very thought of eating releases the digestive enzymes even before food gets there. Similarly, a disturbed intestine can send confused signals to the brain. Due to the lockdown, various changes have occurred in the habits of people, affecting the eating habit in particular. An under-eating habit also known as Anorexia Nervosa can lead to malnutrition, depression, etc. People with Anorexia generally view themselves as overweight, even if they are dangerously underweight. An over-eating habit known as Bulimia Nervosa can lead to obesity and related complications. People suffering from Bulimia Nervosa frequently eat a large amount of food in a day, and often purge it out. Therefore, what you eat determines your gut health and contributes to your physical, mental and emotional well-being.

Good nutrition is an essential factor in influencing the way we feel. Be it a general physician or a specialist, they would suggest nutritious meals along with medications. The food we eat can either be the most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison. Physical wellness is the ability to lead a healthy life that allows one to get through daily activities. Physical fitness often leads to psychological well-being by enhancing self-esteem and confidence. While mental and emotional terms are similar to an extent, it is important to understand the differences. Mental health is how well our mind processes and understands information and experiences, while emotional health is our ability to manage and express emotions that arise from what we have learnt and experienced, in an age-appropriate way.

There are trillions of bacteria in our body, and most of them are in our intestines, collectively known as gut microbiota and they are hugely important for our health. Fresh fruits, vegetables and fermented foods are the best sources of nutrients for a healthy production of microbiota. Also, nuts are a valuable dietary intervention for metabolic functioning. Having a fistful of mixed nuts like - cashews, almonds, pista, hazelnuts and walnuts on a regular basis, fuels our gut with necessary vitamins, minerals, proteins and dietary fibres. Fresh fruits and vegetables are rich in water and fiber content. Fermented foods like curd/yogurts are rich in probiotics. Therefore, check in with your physical, emotional and mental wellness - do you eat foods that are nutritious? Are you able to keep a consistent sleep schedule? Do you exercise on a regular basis? Are you aware of your bodily sensations when you are stressed? Do you allow yourself to experience emotions as they are? If your answer is ‘Yes’, cheers! Keep it up. If your answer is ‘No’, that’s okay, too! It’s never too early or too late to work on being the healthiest version of you. Take your time by practicing any one of the above suggestions at first, and gradually add on to the list of healthy habits.

Eat healthy and be healthy. Happy living everyone☺

Lakshmi C
August 2022

Post Author: chennaicounselorsglobal

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