Fussy eating is a common complaint of most of the parents. But I think it can be prevented if we know some necessary do’s and don’ts in parenting, particularly during three specific stages. Creating a good eating habit is very important for the smooth development of the child. The secret lies in letting the child eat in its natural way.
In my opinion, the first step begins from the breast feeding days itself. You might have seen some mothers finish the breast feeding episode in a few minutes, - maybe because of irritation or weakness. Allowing the baby to suck the breast milk for sufficient time is highly essential. The underfed baby gets frustrated and it may develop a bitter attitude towards the dining time in future. We must confirm whether the baby is pleasantly satiated - during breast feeding.
The next important period is, seven to eight months when the baby eats porridge like foods. During this period the baby may seem to eat large quantity of food. Hence, some parents may limit the amount of food lest the baby might be overfed. But, a normal baby knows when to stop eating. We must feed the baby until it turns its face away from the spoon.
Thirdly, during the tenth month, the babies tend to grab the spoon and try to eat independently. Allowing this independence is crucial to make the baby interested in eating. Preventing them from this step, - thinking that they may waste food, - is erroneous and it does not only curb the independent learning but also it reduces the joy in the act of eating.
I believe that respecting and permitting the freedom of the child in these three stages of development is the key to keep the child embrace a healthy eating style.
M. Arumporai Chemmal