When I was a child, spending time with friends was one of my favourite activities. This hasn't changed to this day.
My earliest cherished memories of friendship, were with Suresh when I was around 5. Suresh lived on the floor below, he was the class topper. During my every visit to his home, he would share a threptin biscuit that his father would offer him. I learnt from Suresh about sharing and was inspired by his need for achievement.
With every move of my home, my friends circle evolved and so did my life lessons from their family interactions, influencing my thinking process. My appreciation for "Abirami Andhadhi" and love for “Udaithakadalai Urundai.” originated from friends. Some cousins, who were also friends, introduced me to Hindi movies, famous actors, fashion, and of course, Star Dust magazine.
I've come to understand that while parents and caregivers play an important role in inculcating values, many of my attitudes, and some habits came by observing friends and their upbringing.
In college, my friends and I were inseparable for all five years. We hailed from diverse religious backgrounds, relished a variety of foods, and our gatherings became a melting pot of cultures. I learned to skip classes and develop a love for psychology. These close bonds forged then, still endure.
Post-marriage, my husband became my best friend. Then came our children, and they became close as well.
Later in life, I began walking regularly and found a new set of friends. Our daily meetups became therapeutic sessions. The combination of physical activity and daily anecdotes solidified our bond. We learnt from one another, sharing in laughter and tears, and cherished wonderful moments.
Friends has shaped me by
- Supporting all my activities.
- Showing me shadow parts of myself which I never realised existed before
- Bringing to light …….my light.
- Calling spade, a spade … when I hesitated to do so.
- True friends resonate with my worries and concerns. I cherish them, especially those with shared interests.
- My school and college friends bring sweet and bitter memories.
- Expanding my knowledge base, I have developed interested in a few subjects just by observing my friend's interest in them.
- Friends are like sweets of different sizes, shapes, and colours. I enjoy and experience them differently at different phases of my life- and I cannot do without them!