As the name suggests, is a platform to express yourself. There is no particular genre for your contribution, they can be artistic, graphic, pictures, artwork, cartoons, serious, humorous, nuggets of information, puzzles, crossword, research based, knowledge sharing, surprising observations, or any other creative method, are all welcome
Your truly creative work would be most appreciated, and in case you are quoting from elsewhere, do reference the source appropriately. Write in simple, short sentences and straight forward English, keeping the technical jargons to a minimum.
If you wish to add images but do not have your own, use appropriate license-free images for your article/poem, duly crediting the same in your content from Unsplash, Pexels, or Pixabay.
As artists, it would be helpful if you add your perspective so that we laymen can learn to value your contribution.
While the focus is on expression of ideas, feelings, and facts relating to mental and holistic wellbeing, it is also to bring about community engagement and learning. You can mail your contribution(s) to us at ccfeditorialcommittee@gmail.com.
If and when your submission is cleared for publishing, you will be required to sign (digitally or manually) an author consent and disclaimer form and revert to us, along with your photograph for us to proceed with the publishing on our website and other digital platforms.
So what are you waiting for, get your creative best going …..we are waiting to hear from you.
Anupama Anand