Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom- Aristotle

An independent person is someone who is free from the control and influence of another as well as from one's own negative thoughts. Human mind is naturally inclined to negativity to protect oneself from any hazard. Knowing yourself is the process of understanding yourself at a deeper level. The search for “Who am I" in the long run leads to stress, anxiety, depression, low self esteem and relationship problems. When you know who you are, you know what to do instead of looking for permission from others. The best way to overcome the negative thoughts and explore your true identity is by focusing more on positivity. Once you know yourself, you gain confidence and become aware of the environment around you and your place in it. At some point of time you need to visualize your desired future, shut out the mental noise around you and create the environment that can push you towards achieving your goals. You need to create a healthy environment - physical, mental, emotional and psychological.

The journey to build an identity for self begins at a very young age. Our family and society play a major role in our journey towards self identity. The relationships with our loved ones also contribute to building a firm identity for ourselves. For instance - A child brought up in a dysfunctional family environment would feel insecure as an adult to handle anything on his/her own and may not be able to form an identity. She/he may feel powerless and hopeless, refusing to take ownership for their own life and may believe in the tricks the mind plays (negative thoughts). Instead if the grown up musters the courage and questions the negative thoughts - Yes, my childhood days were pitiable but does that mean I have to live all my life as a victim or can I take control at present and inspire the people around, by living as an example? Thus by accepting the past and finding ways to overcome it, one can explore one’s true identity and set a vision for one’s present and future.

Here are a few strategies to explore your potential and to recognize what makes you unique:

  • Firstly, find out what you value and live your life accordingly. Values are a set of principles that guide us to evaluate the right/wrong in us and in society. Ask yourself the questions that lead you to clarity - Who I could be? Who I should be? Who do I want to be? How can I help others with my values?
  • Secondly, fexplore your passion,f it gives life purpose and makes it rich and meaningful. Think about how you spend your free time on a daily basis. What excites you and brings joy to your life?
  • Thirdly, learn something new - Learning works best when it’s treated as a life-long process. If you have always wanted to learn something in particular, utilize your free time for it.
  • Finally, keep a journal - picking up the habit of journaling can help you get back in touch with yourself and learn more about the person you are becoming. It can also help you keep track of any patterns that keep coming up in your life. When you know what doesn’t work, you can begin to try something new

The process of self-exploration would be different for everyone. It takes time and patience, just like getting to know someone else.

Happy Exploring!!!!! You deserve to know yourself better

Lakshmi C

March 2022

Post Author: chennaicounselorsglobal

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