While most of us are tuned to believe that an unwind or a relaxation happens at the end of the day, the start of the day can also be used to relieve our mind from that to-do list waiting to be ticked off. Yoga, breathing techniques, mindfulness, walking, meditation are all the regular relaxation forms prescribed, but to do something different like blowing bubbles, watching the clouds and twiddling one’s thumbs can be therapeutic in itself

My connection with nature happens at many levels and feeding the

crows on the terrace of my apartment is an activity that really touches a soft spot in me. I fill a trough of water and give them a bowl of breadcrumbs, or rice. Over time it feels as though they are waiting for me to come and spend some time with them. They call out to each other and flock together to have a community meal and then disperse to go on their respective routes. At times there are little ones who get fed as well or fight for a crumb and there would be a squirrel or pigeons for company, but they share what is there and go on their journey with no grouse or ill feelings. We have a lot to learn from Mother Nature and a lot to give her too. My small contribution may fill just a few small tummies but they sure fill my heart and give me my positive stroke.

Anupama Anand

March 2022

Post Author: chennaicounselorsglobal

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