It was a nice sunny day and the class was excited about their first colouring class, plus it was the last period......then home! The teacher entered and promptly the wild chattering stopped. She distributed the colouring books while each child had brought their own crayon box.
Eyes wide open the UKG children saw the teacher draw something on the board and when she was done, they all shouted in unison " a parrot ".
" Yes " said the teacher and instructed the class on how to colour and the colours needed for the beak and body. Chest puffed up the class started, some with their tongues sticking out, others with total concentration and some were peeping into their friend's books to see what they were doing.
The teacher was silently observing every student wondering how they will look fifteen years later. Time up! While some children were still engrossed in their colourful parrot......the teacher collected the books and crayon boxes and started correcting them. The parents of some children dropped by to pick up their ward while many left via the school bus.
"Hello Ma’am, good evening! How did my little girl do, everybody seems to be talking about your class.”
Hmmm, I was correcting your child’s book and wondered why she coloured the parrot purple! Of course, kids have their own imagination..."
" Really...." was the mother's response.
Fifteen years simply flew by. The teacher decided to call it a day. Word spread around and many old students visited to wish her well. She was happy to note that all of them had grown up well. As she was leaving a young girl came up to her and asked softly " Ma’am do you remember the day we all had our first colouring class, and you drew a parrot?
" Yes I do, you had coloured differently and I mentioned this to your mother "
"That casual remark made my mother take me for an eye test, and I was diagnosed with daltonism."
Oh my god! Why does my student have to go through this? " Tears welled up .......god's will has no why.
The above true story shows the pivotal role played by the teacher. Each child is unique and teachers need to be sensitized about the process of learning, difficulties involved with the cooperation of the parents.
Prabha Arun